
Sony - No Plans To Add Netflix Streaming To PS3  


In an interview Gamepro had with John Kohler, Senior Marketing Manager at SCEA about the future of the PS3 he revealed that they had no plans to integrate Netflix streaming on the PS3. They aren't developing any plans to allow internet streaming media solutions via the console at all.

The most recent Xbox 360 update added Netflix streaming support. Any word on possible Netflix integration on the PS3? Is Sony talking to Netflix?

We've concentrated most of our efforts on our download service, both rentals and downloads of movies and TV shows. Our efforts will continue to be there, because our customers want to own the content....I was in a focus group in New York recently, and the topic of Netflix came up with a group of Xbox 360 owners. [Most of] those people weren't aware of the Netflix agreement. Those that knew wanted to know the difference between Netflix streaming on the PC versus the Xbox 360. They discovered that it's obviously the same, and those people wanted to know what the "specialness" of that would be. The moderator mentioned that you could watch [the Netflix streams] in your living room. But many of the participants said, "but I could watch that on my laptop, too."

[In regards to the Netflix streaming on NXE,] there are certainly some positives for the Xbox 360. But there's also some confusion. It goes further into the argument of "owning the content" [versus renting or accessing it].

Now after reading that, just what does Sony's idea of content ownership entail? perhaps the terms and services might clear that up-

Guidelines for purchasing videos

  • Purchased videos have no time limit for viewing, so as long as no one violates the terms of the license agreement, the content can be viewed indefinitely
  • Purchased content can be played on a single PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and up to 3 PSP® portable entertainment systems simultaneously.
  • Purchased content can be downloaded to a single PLAYSTATION 3 or a single PSP system.
  • Content cannot be re-downloaded once it has been downloaded to either a PLAYSTATION 3 or PSP system
  • Any user on a PLAYSTATION 3 may begin playback of a purchased video once it has been downloaded to the system (unless some other restriction, such as parental controls, prevents them from playing back the content)
  • Videos cannot be transferred to any other storage device or copied onto a CD or DVD.

Ok, so owning a video means that if you delete it from your system you cannot get it back unless you buy it again? Thanks but no thanks, think I'll stick to my Xbox with Netflix.

via GamePro

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